The 1st Innovation in Activated Carbon Technology in Decades
The Pneumatic Flash Calciner
Atlas Carbon’s patented and proprietary Pneumatic Flash Calcination™ process (PFC) is transformative for activated carbon technology. The process produces high purity, highly consistent products that maximize adsorption potential when compared to multi-hearth furnace or rotary kiln processes.
Our technology puts more of your product to work by maximizing adsorption potential because it delivers a micropore ratio near 90%.
Our Activated Carbon Technology
Innovative Technology for a Cleaner Future: Why PFC is Superior
The Pneumatic Flash Calciner (PFC) is a new approach to calcination that produces high purity, high yield, highly activated finished products and reduces capital and production costs. The PFC Technology is:
Faster, simpler, and easier to operate than competing processes.
Decreases plant size for rapid installation.
Showcases unparalleled consistency & yields precisely repeatable results.
Allows expansion performed incrementally based on market demands.
Agnostic when it comes to carbonaceous feed sources (i.e.- lignite coal, sub-bituminous coal, bamboo, wood, etc.).
Appreciably less costly than other technology yielding similar output.
Let’s talk.
Schedule a call today to learn more about how Atlas Carbon can meet your business’ needs.